5 Essentials for Nighttime Toilet Training

4. Night Light

A night light can boost your child’s confidence at night, making trips to the toilet less daunting. Night lights come in all shapes and sizes: some wireless that sit on the bed side table, others that plug into a wall socket. It is also handy to have one in the hallway and toilet itself, if possible. It means a trip to the loo in the dark of night isn’t such a scary thing.

5. Alarm

Alarms are great for those kids a bit older, or the very heavy sleepers. Used with proper motivation and support, alarms can help establish dry nights over time. Though disruptive initially, they do work. New Zealand-made Dri Sleeper alarms have an 80% success rate.

Some other products that could help:

1. Medications

For children over five, medications like Desmopressin can be prescribed to prevent bedwetting. These medications work by reducing urine production overnight, with consultation and supervision from a healthcare professional. Talk to your doctor.  

2. Waterproof Flat Sheet

Say goodbye to washing duvets and blankets with a waterproof flat sheet. Made with two thin layers of 100% cotton with a waterproof membrane in the middle. Breathable yet heavy, it’s perfect for children who wet upwards or wrap themselves around the upper layers.

3. Duvet Protector

Again, for that child that wets up. A duvet protector saves you washing your duvet after a wet night. They are basically a big, waterproof, breathable bag that holds your duvet. 

Remember, every child is different. Choose the approach and products that suit your child’s needs and if need be, consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

For Mum of two Diane Hurford, nighttime toilet training became a hassle. Completely stripping a wet bed at 2 am became a long-winded affair, especially the bottom bunk where every night she would hit her head. She designed a Brolly Sheet, started making for friends and family and went on to sell them at local markets. That was in 2006 and since then, she has designed many products to make day and night potty training that little bit easier on parents. She has big solutions for wee problems!

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