Creating Sacred Spaces for Women to Connect, Grow & Thrive

Evolving Hearts

At Evolving Hearts, they specialise in creating sacred spaces for women to connect, grow and thrive through the power of circles. Led by the nurturing guidance of Lisa-Marie, their circles are more than just gatherings; they are transformative experiences crafted with intention and heart, where every woman’s journey is celebrated, honoured, and empowered. Lisa-Marie, a seasoned mindset coach and certified in NLP, also offers personalised 1-on-1 coaching sessions to help you unlock your full potential, overcome limiting beliefs, and embrace the radiant truth of who you are. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind Evolving Hearts, the pros and cons of running her own business, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

Throughout my diverse career journey, I’ve worn many hats: from working in hospitality and being a young mother, to teaching preschool, and supporting families involved with Oranga Tamariki in social services for a local iwi in Wairarapa. Despite the variety of my roles, one consistent thread has been my deep connection to and support for women on their journeys.

In 2022, my partner and I decided to embrace a new adventure by selling our home, buying a caravan, and travelling around New Zealand with our then 5-year-old daughter. When Cyclone Gabrielle struck in early 2023, we found ourselves grounded in Coromandel. It was during this period that we realised our daughter missed peer socialisation, prompting us to settle more permanently at the beautiful Matarangi Beach.

Around this time, I completed an online circle facilitator training, which felt like a natural progression for me. It allowed me to combine my passion for working with women, deepening connections, and fostering creativity as well as flexibility. Hosting a few circles brought back memories of a special ceremony my friends and I held as an alternative hen’s celebration for a dear friend. This experience was really the seed that grew into Evolving Hearts.

My work over the years exposed me to the flaws of the patriarchal system, which often leaves women isolated and struggling. We are conditioned to be competitive and self-reliant, contrary to our natural intuition as humans to thrive in supportive, authentic communities. This system has led to widespread issues like loneliness, depression, substance abuse, burnout, and family harm.

My passion is to help women forge strong, authentic bonds within their inner circles. When we support rather than compete with each other, we experience greater happiness, live more authentically, and act from a place of love. This positive shift ripples out to our families and communities, creating a more harmonious and connected world.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning? 

I began by forming a close circle with local women and then extended an open invitation to the wider community. To my surprise and delight, 22 women attended that first community circle! Both of these initial gatherings were offered for free in exchange for feedback.

Following these experiences, I created a special ‘Maga initiation’ circle to celebrate a close friend’s 53rd birthday. The energy, magic, and power of that evening were incredible, leaving all the women who attended with a beautiful afterglow and a sense of connection.

From the beginning, I aimed to create gatherings that were not only meaningful but also environmentally friendly. The feedback from my initial circles highlighted the value of these personalised and sustainable approaches, which reinforced my commitment to offering unconventional celebrations that align with my values.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business? 

The biggest breakthrough for me was working with coaches to overcome old limiting beliefs and discover my self-worth and confidence. I invested in both a business coach and a personal coach, and the payoff in terms of self-belief and structured approaches has been invaluable.

As someone who is not naturally business-minded, learning essential formulas, social media strategies, and the relevant lingo was crucial for my startup. This guidance and support have been instrumental in building a solid foundation for my business and navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

One of the advantages of being an older entrepreneur is the wisdom to prioritise what truly matters. Although I anticipate getting busier, I’ve committed to ensuring that my business works around my family life.

In my career, I’ve experienced stress and burnout, and I know that if I’m not feeling fully in flow and enjoying what I’m doing, then it’s not for me. This commitment to balance ensures that I can be present for my family while also nurturing my passion and business.

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