Become Empowered & Informed: From Bump to Birth

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Many have a misunderstanding of what hypnobirthing is and whether, given its popularity, it will be short-lived and fade away, or have a fear of hypnosis or money for sleeping. Some might also consider that the practitioner must be a midwife. Indeed, midwives are highly trained and are our guardians of normality but do not (unless trained) have the vast skill set as a hypnotherapist. Hypnosis has been shrouded in the murkiness of exaggerated claims and pseudo-science for decades. It is littered with exaggerated claims from extrasensory perception to instant healing, which leads to many being confused whether or not to explore hypnobirthing. To overcome this challenge, explaining that hypnobirthing came out of the birth without fear concept, derived in the early 1900s by Grantly Dick Read, coupled later in 1989 by a hypnotherapist, Marie Mongan who researched birth without fear, is where the “hypno” came from within hypnobirthing. As a qualified hypnotherapist with the National Hypnotherapy Society myself, one could debate that it is a greater benefit to be a qualified hypnotherapist than a midwife for hypnobirthing. This is a big challenge but with midwives training in KGHypnobirthing, which is the curriculum that I teach, and more couples wanting to be educated not only on birth but how to navigate the maternity services, it will help to reassure couples enabling this to be less of a challenge.

Knowing where to advertise hypnobirthing is another significant challenge and one that many birth workers face. Whilst the NHS recognise hypnobirthing to be able to offer lots of practical information on labour, birth and early parenthood (after all, many midwives train in KGH!), due to policies, they are not ‘allowed’ to advertise individual practices within hospitals or doctor surgeries. I find this a frustrating challenge because it disables the choice for couples to explore their options and to research practitioners in their area so that they can be informed on the many decisions throughout a pregnancy and at birth, which will ultimately enable efficiency at midwife appointments, sound decisions made by the couple and become the dream team with their midwife.

In an effort to overcome these challenges, I host a number of events such as bump and brunch, bump and me afternoon tea, and other social events. These events enable both mums-to-be and birth partners to join for refreshment, support, good conversation including addressing what hypnobirthing entails and when possible, meet with other birth workers including midwives. Additionally, I am active in networking with other providers in pre- and postnatal care, which is of huge benefit as I can signpost couples to an array of options such as peer support to new mums, baby massage, pre and post pregnancy, coffee and pram clubs, etc.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you”  Richard Branson 

Running a business is a choice, it’s a pathway to a totally different lifestyle and one that takes commitment, strength, at times sacrifice and a sense of humour. A strong advantage for me is that it enables me to work in a field that I really enjoy and compels me to continue working. Many will use the knowledge and techniques for the rest of their lives and whilst some may forget what I said, they never forget how I made them feel, how they felt as they experienced the physical, emotional, hormonal and social transition to becoming a parent.

When I encounter a disadvantage of my business, I like to look at how I can turn that into an advantage. One of the disadvantages of running a business is that as I am on my own. There isn’t anyone to bounce ideas with. As a result, I went in search of other complementary birth workers for both pre- and postnatal care to establish supportive contacts. Here we share ideas, which in turn enables us to look at ideas from different perspectives. 

I have no doubt that I will encounter many new advantages and disadvantages throughout the coming years but for as long as there is air in my lungs and my heart is beating, I will continue to build, to grow and develop my passion to support couples on their journey in pregnancy to meet their baby.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort”  Paul J Meyer

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My dream is to flourish as one of the top hypnobirthing practitioners to empower ALL women to enable a positive birth experience.  Whether IVF, natural, same-gender couples or surrogacy, I am proud to show every woman and birth partners how positive changes can be implemented during and leading up to the birth of their baby, with tools and techniques that can enable a calm and efficient birth. My passion and pledge to expand my knowledge, to help others to untangle the many and sometimes complex decisions that need to be made, and making a difference to the lives of many is my absolute dream, my purpose.

Visit the Ellivase Hypnobirthing website to find out more, and connect with them on Instagram.

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