Beyond the Physical: Healing Energetic Imbalances with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Feeling confident and comfortable with what I can achieve in a day and the ability to delegate, with priority for who I care for, whether it be my three-year-old son, my patients, my husband or my parents and very, very, large family.

In the past my focus was on myself last, but I now know that I MUST take care of my needs first so that I can look after and help others. So, my daily routine will always start with meditation in the morning. This happens in numerous ways where I clear my path for the day. I remind myself first thing in the morning that miracles do happen, and kindness is around me. This is something that I am still learning to do at the end of the day; this belief does not come easily after a very hard day.

I work this idea together with my husband and we work together to help each other have our personal time alone to do whatever we please; a few hours one or two times a week. This is still work in progress and we need to do more but we respect each other enough to be flexible with our love and time towards each other.

It is about nourishing the heart and soul and in TCM that is called a person’s Shen. If you look deeply into the eyes, you will see it there.

The Drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Oh my, over the years – where do I start? This premise of finding out what I am, who I am meant to be and what is my purpose did not come easily.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

What will help fulfill this is to help heal and educate in the views of TCM treatments and healing. Western medicine is very powerful and achieves amazing things, however, strips the body of essential nourishment. I have come to the realization through my studies and treatments that our bodies get diseased due to emotional instability and stress. That inability to recognize thoughts and feelings, adjust to them and then be able to let them go “on their way” is the reason they harbor in the body to cause pain.

My purpose is to help you recognize them and send them on their way. It is about nourishing the heart and soul and in TCM that is called a person’s Shen. If you look deeply into the eyes, you will see it there.

“Clear the mind
Nourish the heart
Fill the spirit with love”

To learn more or to get in touch with Jackie, visit the Shen Nourishing website, and follow her on Facebook.

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