Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
At the moment it is a juggling act, balancing family life, business life and also holding down a part-time job! I am definitely a night owl, so I find nights are the best times for me to craft my jewellery once the littlies are asleep. Days that we are at home together, I will spend the morning filling my little ones’ cups so to speak and then spend a little time in the early afternoons working on some business things. This does not always go to plan, but I like to have a ‘to do’ list for my business and will plug away at that list when I have a small chunk of time!
The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
I feel that I have overcome lots of hurdles along the way. The biggest hurdle would definitely be a mindset shift about my own abilities. I had never run a business before and this made me slightly hesitant at the start. However, I have equipped myself with the knowledge and the confidence, through online business courses and communities. This has helped me to feel confident in myself and my business decisions and has given me a direction for the future.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The pros would definitely be being able to follow your passion and what lights your heart up, and it’s also amazing to be able to work this around my family life and make it work for our family.
One of the cons of being an entrepreneur is it can sometimes feel a little isolating. I have overcome this through online business communities however, which has helped me feel a part of something. It can also be hard juggling that balance between work and family life (a double-edged sword!).
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am hoping to release a number of other Lotus Pamper Boxes in the near future and am also looking at a subscription box aimed at women who are going through infertility. These boxes are to support, pamper and promote self-care for women as they battle through their infertility journey. I also want to raise awareness of infertility, so that it is not such a taboo topic that is kept quiet.
I am also hoping to add to my breastmilk and DNA jewellery collection, expanding my men’s range and adding to my ring and pendant collection.
To learn more about Rachael and her products, check out the Bambini Lotus Facebook and Instagram pages.