The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The challenges have been endless! At almost every step of the way I would encounter crossroads, hurdles, or dead ends. I suppose that’s just how life is, right? This has forced me each time to rethink and refocus and find alternative ways to bring my ideas to life.
The first real challenge I had was to make some time available to pursue my new venture. I studied in the fields of Psychology and Human Resource Management, and this has led me into the corporate world. Add a few children to the mix and time becomes a thing of the past.
Transitioning away from a corporate full-time job to free up some time has been a tricky task, for sure!
To date though, I must say the biggest challenge was the one the whole world has been facing – the global pandemic. That has brought so many new dynamics to everyday life, and everything needs to be adjusted accordingly. Let’s hope 2022 bring no more lockdowns and school closures!

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
I think the pros and cons might be different depending on who you talk to.
I really enjoy having the freedom to express my creativity. I’ve always loved creating things, but my initial career had left me little time to express that. I also love the possibility to bring relief for parents who are experiencing any level of sleep deprivation like I did. Magnesium isn’t only beneficial for the promotion of restful sleep; it has numerous other health benefits too! I know what an impact it had on my life and how it changed me and if I can help others overcome the same issues, that is exactly what I want to do. HUGE PRO!
Finally, I LOVE the flexibility it gives me to be present for my kids when they need me most. This is probably one of the biggest driving factors to keep going and growing.
Obviously, not everything will be as fun and enjoyable as the creation and design side of life. Running my own business means I must do (or instigate) everything and therefore the risk and responsibility lies solely on my shoulders. Each decision I make is mine. If it is the wrong decision, there is no scapegoat. That is probably the most stressful thing of all. It does, however, give me great pride of accomplishment when I get the decisions right!

Hopes and dreams: What next?
I hope to gain more traction in the year to come. I want to reach more families. I want parents who are struggling to know: there is light at the end of the tunnel! If I can reach more families (and in turn improve bath time and bedtime routines), then I have achieved my goal.
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