The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The biggest challenge I have had to overcome is being extremely time restricted. I have had to sacrifice many nights of sleep to get the business launched. This is a huge sacrifice when you are already sleep deprived due to a toddler that refuses to sleep! Allocating any free minute of time to get the business launched, and, since then keep it running, has been the biggest challenge. That along with keeping my motivation up when sales slow down. Being the sole owner of a business can be hard because you don’t have any one to bounce ideas off and keep you inspired. This can be a real challenge at times however I always try to keep my motivation and ideas following my creating image boards to keep myself focused and on track.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The pros are that I love that I can be creative, innovative and my own boss (however this can be a con at times!) I can set my own work hours, work around my home/mum life and run things at my pace.
The cons are having to do everything myself and that I must rely 100% on myself. Since it is a small start up business, I do everything from sewing every item, sourcing all the fabrics, designing and running the website and social media pages, posting all parcels, designing new items, photographing all items and content for the website and social media etc… the list goes on! At this point in time, I can’t afford to outsource any portion of the work so it’s all on me. That can be very stressful at times and tiring of course. Especially whilst being a mum and working part time. But if you have the passion and love for your business, it is all in a day’s work.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
To continue growing my presence on my social media platforms. Most of my sales come from my content and promotions on my socials. If I can grow my following on both Instagram and Facebook, I believe I will grow significantly as a business.
I have also recently started selling my turbans and baby headwear at local markets here in New South Wales. I have really enjoyed this experience as I get to meet my customers face to face. It has also allowed me to receive a great deal of feedback from all the mums that shop at my stand. This has been wonderful to help grow my brand and business.
Visit the Inka.Nu website to shop their beautiful range of turbans and headbands, and join their communities on Facebook and Instagram.