Since beginning her midwifery training back in 2000, Rozalind Neil developed a passion for women’s health and wellbeing, along with a strong desire to help women tune into themselves and explore their unique path to serenity. As a holistic therapist, nurturing holistic coach, and empowering holistic educator, as well as specialising in pregnancy and birth education, she shares her personal and professional knowledge and experience with women, creating a space for them to flourish, whatever stage of life they are at. Here Rozalind talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about launching her business, Serenity to Flourish, based in Fife, Scotland; the challenges she has faced along the way; and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
Wow, where do I start? I have been passionate about women’s wellbeing since I started training as a midwife in 2000. As a student midwife, my inspirations and interests were in holistic birthing, water births and aromatherapy. The hospital I worked in for 5 years or so was a pioneer for using aromatherapy to support women’s choices for pain relief, relaxation and other amazing benefits. During times of stress, change and bereavements, I felt an inner need to explore natural and life-affirming ways to improve my wellbeing. I was drawn to using aromatherapy, crystals, flower remedies, meditation, Reiki and NLP.
I was inspired to set up my business for a variety of reasons. The timing felt right and I had a strong desire to help women to tune into themselves, and explore what uniquely helps them to find serenity. I had a deep yearning to empower women with coaching and education, to inspire them to flourish in their lives. The brand Serenity to Flourish was creatively birthed from my discovery of holistic therapies, mindfulness and other coaching modalities. I wanted to share my personal and professional knowledge and experience with women, and create spaces for women to find serenity to flourish.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I trained in Reiki and NLP in 2007 and continued my professional development as a holistic therapist in 2008. I successfully achieved my professional qualifications in aromatherapy, Swedish massage, reflexology and crystal therapy in 2009. I started working for a small holistic therapies business and I am so grateful for the experience, confidence and skills I developed.
I had an inner desire and motivation to create my own brand and be innovative in creating my bespoke services to share my synergy of knowledge and skills.
I’ve done a few business courses for women. A Leadership Radiance group coaching programme empowered, educated and inspired me to create both of my websites and gave me confidence to post on social media platforms. I’ve learned practical skills for my business and really tuned into my “why?”. The reason for creating and developing my business is the passion and for my heart-led services for women. An Alchemical Embodied Business group coaching programme gave me even more deeper insights into the meaning of my work with women – and helped me to explore areas of my life that I can alchemise to be more productive and effective with my soul-led offerings for women.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
I would say that the innovation and creativity that I have for teaching really excites and drives me! A big breakthrough that I am really proud of is writing, recording and publishing 13 online courses over the space of one year. I have 7 online courses on my main website and 6 on my pregnancy specific website. The courses are a combination of bite-sized Discovery Journeys about holistic therapies for self-compassion and holistic self-coaching – and expanded Deepening Wonder courses which explore aromatherapy, crystals, mindfulness, meditation and visualisation for women with deeper interests in wellbeing subjects.
I wanted to expand on my 1:1 therapies and share my passion, knowledge and experience with a wider, global audience. I had been teaching midwives about aromatherapy in the NHS for 9 years and about mindfulness and resilience for 4 years within the role and remit of my NHS job. But I wanted to share more, teach more and reach more women internationally as well as locally. I wanted to increase my capacity for the online part of my business. So I created my signature “Discovery Journeys” and “Deepening Wonder” pre-recorded courses, which are available on the Education pages of my websites.
It was a breakthrough because of the creativity and the amount of work, dedication and time. But also, my professional and personal development rocketed! I had to teach myself some technical skills to be able to record and host my courses on my website as a platform and to make PayPal buttons. I’m working on creating more pregnancy and birth-specific courses at the moment. And I’m continuing to teach at local workshops and wellbeing events.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Space, time, self-awareness, planning, organisation, self-compassion! I really value my NHS work and I’m very proud to be a mummy, but I also need my own space and time to reflect. I am very self-aware and organised, and I like to plan ahead to ensure I have quality time with my son and cherished time with myself. I am also very self-compassionate and kind when life, work and business don’t go to plan.
I am a true believer in balance, harmony and flow. But I also like a strategy, goals and plans. I feel passionately that a fulfilling family life, professional career and heart-led business can be achievable with a focus on being balanced in each area.
I have specific days that I work in my professional career as a midwife and professional development practitioner, and days that I have appointments for my therapy room for clients. I also allocate time and energy for the creativity that I adore for creating social media posts, ideas for events and online course creation. I value personal development too, and enjoy the balance of studying with working, and having quiet time to relax. And of course, I have special time with my son.