Natalie Petersen is on a mission to help people live their best lives. At Aoraki Physio & Pilates, she has created a physiotherapy practice with a fresh approach, focused on helping their clients find joy, happiness and meaning to their lives. Upskilling in the area of pelvic floor, Natalie is passionate about women’s health and educating and empowering women through Pilates and physical therapy. Collaborating with doctors, specialists, radiologists and others, they use a hands-on approach, providing a clear clinical diagnosis and prognosis, and rehabilitation exercises designed for specific needs. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind what she does, the challenges she has overcome, and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I am passionate about helping people live their best lives. I believe in empowering clients with knowledge, so they can effectively treat themselves every day – giving the power and control to the client, so they are not dependent on others to make them feel better. It’s a team approach. I have the knowledge and I give it all to the client so they can make good choices, understanding all the consequences.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
We immigrated to NZ in 2016. It was hard work acclimatising to a new country and way of working and it took a few years to find my feet. Once we moved to gorgeous Nelson, I realised it was time to take back control. I worked at a few rest homes and decided I would start taking clients at home. Soon the business was taking off and I got really busy. I am an expert in sports and orthopaedics but I was finding that I had to refer for pelvic floor issues, which was frustrating as my clients had to wait a really long time to get an appointment and they were expensive as well, so 3 years ago, I decided to upskill in this area so I could help these clients.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
My online course for pelvic floor has been a huge breakthrough. I am able to effectively educate and give advice without the limits of time and availability.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I work from home, so it is almost impossible to separate them. I made a promise to my kids that if there are outings and parent help needed, I will step in. Otherwise, I work hard 4 days a week, self-care and admin on the 5th and family fun and quality time ALL weekend long.