Marlen Klebert is a Parent Coach, Mum and Early Childhood Teacher. Fascinated by human development, she guides you through the joys of parenting while helping you to nurture your own wellbeing. She understands that parenting isn’t about perfection; it’s about embracing the journey with love and laughter, and she is here to help you savour every moment and find joy in the beautiful chaos of raising your children. In a world where parenting can feel overwhelming and isolating, she offers understanding, support and a guiding hand. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind MK Parent Support, the challenges she has overcome, the pros and cons of running her own business, and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I’m incredibly passionate about people. Honestly, I’ve always been the kind of person who loves a good chat, so it’s no surprise that my career led me to work with children and parents. I believe if we can set children up right from the start, we can avoid a whole lot of damage control later in life. And guess who holds the key? Yep, the parents! I love seeing parents thrive, but as an early childhood teacher and baby group facilitator, I often felt like I was ticking boxes rather than really connecting. Now, as a life and parent coach, I can do things my way, offering personalised support. I’m so passionate about it! Plus, being my own boss means I can also focus on being a mum myself. I’m just a mum like the ones I work with – doing my best, juggling the chaos, and hoping for a hot coffee at least once a day (or a macha latte – trying something different).

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
Very slowly… and with a lot of late nights. I’m still working as an early childhood teacher at an amazing nature-based centre, but as my daughter grows, I’m finding more time for my business. In the beginning, I was basically coaching friends, family, and parents from my kindergarten. I even coached women who weren’t parents-because let’s be honest, the challenges of life don’t magically disappear without children, they’re just magnified when you have them! Eventually, I started running webinars and workshops, which I’ll keep doing, but my heart really lies in one-on-one coaching. It’s where the magic happens. I did a lot of work for free early on (as we all do!), but I’ve learned to value myself and charge accordingly. I believe in what I do, and I know I can help parents move to a more positive place – because, trust me, I’ve been there too!
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
It’s been all about practising what I preach. Investing in myself, backing my business, and believing that it’s actually worth pursuing! Running a business isn’t all rainbows and smooth sailing. Self-doubt creeps in with its annoying little whispers – “People don’t want what you’re offering” or “You’re not good enough”. I’ve had to get really good at telling that voice to zip it! The biggest breakthrough has been recognising those stories for what they are – just stories. They’re not facts, and they definitely don’t serve me. Coaching myself through these moments has helped me push through and keep putting myself out there. It’s an ongoing journey, but one worth every step.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
First and foremost, I’m a mum (a single mum at that!). So, no matter what, my daughter comes first. If I have to hit pause on work, I do it, because the moments with her are what matter most. I’m fortunate to have an amazing mum who steps in to help when I have coaching sessions or meetings-honestly, she’s my superhero. She’s been known to throw in a sleepover so I can get a run in and recharge, which is the absolute dream! Parenting isn’t meant to be done solo, and I lean heavily on my community. Balance doesn’t happen in isolation-it’s all about having your people around you.