Making the decision to try for a child and setting out on your journey of motherhood is a huge and momentous one. You are deciding to forever have your heart go walking around outside your body. It can be scary, exciting, captivating, overwhelming and the most special of times. It’s a time where you learn about strengths you never knew you had.
Laura Pilati was searching for the perfect way to support and represent mothers and women everywhere. As well as celebrating pregnant women and the amazing transformation their bodies go through, she wanted to encourage all women to love and embrace who they are and how they look. Instead of striving for society’s unrealistic expectation of “perfect”, she wanted women everywhere to embrace their imperfections and embrace being perfectly imperfect!

With her compassion and care for others, Laura also wanted to represent the women who have experienced struggles and heartache on their journey to motherhood: those that have experienced pregnancy loss, the stress and uncertainty of IVF, and other medical complications like PCOS and endometriosis.
Handmade with love and compassion, the beautiful keepsakes she creates represent an important part of every woman’s life: pregnancy, birth, IVF, loss, struggles and love. She creates every item with care, to represent her customers, their inner strength and their journey. She understands that that everyone is on their own unique path and deserves to be loved and respected. Keeping every woman in mind, The Flora Collective concept is to represent the mother of one, the mother of many and the mother of angels.