Empowering Wahine Before, During & After Birth

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

The back office overwhelms me. I didn’t realise how many systems and apps and programmes I needed to learn to start an online business. From doing social media posts, to creating a website, to making emails, it can all get overwhelming. To the point where I literally need a break or two before I can come back to it. I only really started my social media last year in September ’23, so it became too much over Christmas. I unfortunately lost out on benefiting during the Christmas shopping spree. However, I always come back to my WHY, which is creating a business that gives me freedom to choose my own hours and I ultimately want my business to be fun and not a dread. Otherwise, I can go back to doing 12-hour shifts at the hospital on someone else’s time. So, I’m making sure to pace myself. I’ve also decided that I’m going to slow down on shift work and go full blast on growing my online business this year 2024. But I have to be honest, it’s been hard trying not to take up the easy money, especially when I know money won’t be coming in straight away with my online business.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

The pros of running my own business are being my own boss, being creative and managing all aspects of what I do. I get to create something that could ultimately give me passive income, while learning so much about how to run a business – from finances, social media and marketing, to products, ideas, etc. Education around Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) is so important, and I get to dictate my own hours while working towards ultimate freedom

As for cons, I am a one-man-band at the moment, so have to make sole business decisions. I also have to deal with all of the back office too.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My ultimate goal for Muriwhenua Midwife is to create a one-stop-shop for Māori and indigenous wahine needing education, products and courses to help educate them on their pregnancy journey. I want to create product bundles and courses specifically targeted for preconception, pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period. I also want to create online consultation sessions with midwives and birth doulas. In addition, I would love to create a podcast and YouTube channel for free content.

My ideas for Muriwhenua Midwife are so expansive and there are so many, but unfortunately, because I do only have one team member (me), it may take awhile to get bigger. But my WHY always motivates me to continue. If you are Māori or indigenous and are interested in growing this Kaupapa, then get in touch with me.

Visit the Muriwhenua Midwife website to find out more, or send Seanie an email at muriwhenuamidwife@gmail.com. You can also connect with her on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

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