Evidence-Based Natural & Holistic Solutions for Your Unique Medical Needs

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Putting value on ourselves as practitioners and on the services we provide. Imposter syndrome is something that we are continually learning to overcome but we just keep coming back to our core values and beliefs and knowing that what we are offering is important. We have learned to be vulnerable with each other and pick each other up when the doubts and challenges start to become overwhelming. We believe we need to be each other’s support and advocacy and that a business partnership can sometimes be just like a marriage.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

In terms of pros, we love being our own boss, setting our own work schedules, being able to work where we want to work and being able to run our clinic the way we feel it should be run. We believe that the client and the team, collectively, should feel valued and supported and we love that we can make this a reality.

As for cons, it’s hard to switch off when you run your own business. You’re always thinking about things that need doing, things that we could do better, have we answered that email, etc.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

We would love to have a large, welcoming clinic space with a diverse team of educated and caring practitioners who value our clinic and its philosophies to healing as much as we do. We want a strong presence within the community and to create a reputation that is built on trust and quality healthcare.

Visit the Perth Health Collective website to find out more, and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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