Experience the Transformative Potential of Spinal Flow: A Holistic Approach to Healing

The Drive: What challenges have you overcome?

I danced through the challenges of introducing a relatively new energy healing modality to others in an easy way. Overcoming this communication barrier became a rhythm of my journey. So I persevered, driven by the incredible potential of this modality, especially as it is so gentle that it can be applied to anyone with a spine! Although my particular interest was in eventually working with children so they can learn to connect with their bodies and regulate their nervous system.

For Better or Worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Pros include the deep sense of purpose, positive transformations witnessed, and the freedom to innovate. Cons involve the challenges of explaining a unique modality and balancing the demands of entrepreneurship with personal life. The journey, however, is incredibly rewarding.

Hopes and Dreams: What next?

My hope is that individuals exploring my website will feel inspired and eager to experience the transformative potential of Spinal Flow. Whether someone has “tried everything” or seeks a holistic approach to healing for their family, taking the first step is key to achieving great change in their lives. I will continue to dedicate myself to the Spinal Flow community, fostering growth, and expanding the positive impact on individuals and families.

Client Feedback

From the moment you enter her space, Mel gives you her full attention. She listens carefully to whatever you are working through and helps you to identify and articulate your healing intention. I have found this very helpful. Her approach is heart-centred so you can relax fully – you are in good hands. Since becoming a mum, just over a year ago, Mel seems to have gained access to a deeper source of healing energy and now draws from a deeper well.” – Sarah 

Visit the Flow Factory website to find out more and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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