Go Diaper Free: Encouraging potty independence

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family? 

I’m not sure I do! I know it sounds super corny but I have a really supportive partner who supports my dreams. He loves spending time with the kids so I can work, consult and run classes, guilt free. I think it can be a bit of a tight rope at times, but the key is to be present when spending time with family and present in my work. My advice is to try not to multitask!

The Drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

Wanting to give up. I think for some of us, taking a leap of faith and backing ourselves 100% can be a huge challenge. Also, being resilient to criticism from those who don’t understand what it is you do. It’s so hard to hear criticism of our work. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. Remembering the reasons why I started, like the joy in my girl’s face when she successfully mounted the potty on her own, keeps me going. It was Babe Ruth, the famous baseballer, who once said, “Don’t let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game”.  

For Better or Worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

The pros are that I don’t have to leave my daughter for long periods of time and if I do, she’s with her dad as my max. consult or class is 1 hour. I love being able to arrange my work around my daughter; choosing my own hours, the flexibility is nice. Supporting mums through postpartum. The fact that anywhere can be my office with the scope of technology these days. I also love sharing knowledge. I’m a bit of a geek so talking about anything fringe or alternative is my jam.  

The cons are the unknown… Will I have 2 clients today or none? Putting myself out there! Educating without offending: talking about or teaching something which isn’t very common can make you seem a little crazy right? So educating without offending can be challenging as you always want to be kind when exploring new ideas with someone. Being so passionate can come across as judgy or like a “Karen” and no one likes a Karen right!

Hopes and Dreams: What’s next? 

I will be announcing more free support groups, classes, and a Queensland tour shortly. The aim is to spread the word about EC through these classes and groups, helping more carers, babies, and people with special needs eliminate with dignity. EC isn’t just limited to babies. It can be modified with anyone who is currently in nappies for their elimination due to a disability. To get this message out, we will be running a media campaign, doing interviews and really getting this practice out there.

Visit the Go Diaper Free – Natalie Willmot website to find out more, and join her supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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