Goodbye Germs; Hello Style & Comfort

No More Nasties

Rebecca Mowle has been sewing since she was four years old, studying Textiles and Design through high school, before completing her formal training at TAFE. She went on to create custom sewing projects for friends she met through an online pregnancy community, and soon after, turned her hobby into a successful business venture. At No More Nasties, she creates stylish, comfortable trolley seat covers to transform your shopping trips and protect your little ones from germs and unclean surfaces. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind her business, the challenges she has overcome along the way, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

I launched my venture in 2005 after connecting with a vibrant online pregnancy community. Through this network, I developed close friendships (that still exist 19 years later!) and began creating custom sewing projects for them. The idea for a trolley seat cover emerged when someone expressed concern about their child chewing on shopping trolley handles. From that point on, what initially began as a hobby rapidly evolved into a successful business venture.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

I began by selling on eBay, which was an excellent platform for establishing a reputation for delivering top-notch products. Ahhh the early days of eBay where auctions were the big thing – the thrill of those final seconds watching so many people bidding for my covers! As time went on, Facebook emerged as a game-changer (yes, I’m showing my age here!). With Facebook’s growth came the expansion of No More Nasties, riding the wave of social media to reach even more customers.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

Honestly, I wouldn’t say we’ve had a monumental breakthrough. Our growth has been organic. Back when I started, other companies started making trolley covers, each with their unique approach. Despite starting simultaneously, No More Nasties is the sole survivor, and I’m thrilled to still be passionately involved in it.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Well, it’s been quite a journey. Being a mum to four boys, especially with a husband who often had long work hours or was away, posed its challenges. I used to seize the quiet moments during their daytime naps to sew, and then I’d continue working into the late hours of the night. Sometimes, my husband would be waking up for work just as I was heading to bed. He’s been my biggest cheerleader, often spending days helping with tasks like cutting wadding or fabric. As the boys grew older, they pitched in too, although not without some negotiation! My youngest became my trusty post office assistant, getting to know everyone there by name. Now that the boys are grown, I can finally enjoy more regular working hours.

See next page for more…
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