As a Primary School Teacher with over 14 years experience in the education sector, and now a parent to two little boys, Shanna Brinkley is passionate about how children engage and learn. She wanted to use her knowledge of the Australian Curriculum and current teaching practices to give every parent and carer in Australia access to hands-on teaching math resources, combined with the knowledge, skills and understanding of the curriculum to support their child’s education at home. This month, Shanna has officially launched Educational Kits for Home, a unique online store that bridges the gap from school to home.

As a classroom teacher, Shanna has developed empathy for the thousands of parents and carers who, every year, want to know more about their child’s education and how they can help support their schooling at home. The most common frustration voiced is the difficulty in knowing where to begin, with either finding good resources or being in sync with what is being taught at their child’s school.

As a parent, Shanna became frustrated herself when trying to source educational products for her own children aged 2 and 3 ½ years of age. She knew what she was looking for but found it challenging to find exactly what she wanted. Most products were sold in higher volumes to cater for schools, not parents. This is what ultimately led to the idea of buying the products in bulk, like schools, and dividing them up into home-friendly kits. It started with a Foundation Year/Kindergarten Level kit and quickly expanded to include all stages of learning Number, from prior to school to the end of primary school.