House Mum Home Services: Allowing You Time For The Moments That Matter

House Mum

As a busy mum of 5, Simone Angell had used cleaning services in her own home on and off over the years, yet none quite hit the mark with their one-size-fits-all approach. She also struggled to find a service that stepped outside the norm and provided support for tasks that reduced her mental load: daily or weekly tasks that never seemed to go away. Understanding that every family has different needs and wants, she was inspired to create a cleaning service with a twist – a flexible service, personalised for each family. She wanted to be “the other mum” in your life, to be that extra pair of hands that we all need, and this is how House Mum was born. Here Simone talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind what she does, the pros and cons of running her own business, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

When I started House Mum, I was a busy single Mum of 5.

I struggled to find a service that could assist me with more than just cleaning. I wanted someone to come in and help with the tasks that were on repeat like washing dishes, folding and putting away washing, changing linen and cooking dinner. I knew that if I needed this service, other families would need it too.

I also needed a flexible job so that I could still be available for my family – school drop off and pick up, sports days and helping out in my children’s classrooms.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

It was New Years 2019, I was on holiday with my brother and he asked me what my plans were for the New Year ahead. I said, “Well I’ve got this business idea where you hire mums to do the mum jobs in your home”. He said to me, “I’d use this service, why haven’t you started it yet?!”.

So we filmed a video of me talking about the service (it didn’t have a name yet), and I posted it in community groups with a link for people to express their interest in the service.

When I got back from holiday, I told a friend at the gym about my business idea and she asked, “How soon can you start?”. It really just grew from there – word of mouth is powerful!

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

To keep the service personal. I really value each and every one of our clients and I love hearing their stories and how we are helping them in their homes. So many companies treat their clients like a number. I don’t want my clients to feel that way; I want them to feel part of something, to feel like family.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Fortunately, my children are all school aged now, so I do my best to work school hours or catch up on emails when they are in bed. I’m also remarried and have a very supportive husband who helps out with school drop offs and making lunches on his days off. I also try and be organised with meal planning and utilising my slow cooker as often as I can, so that even on our busiest day, I know that dinner is already taken care of.

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