How Do You Feel More Hopeful when Pregnant after Infertility or Loss?

A couple of years ago, I started writing down 5 things that I was grateful for every day. And by the end of the first week, I was bored. I kept on listing the same 5 things each time. I was grateful for my home, my job, my partner, my family, my friends, etc. etc. Same shit, different day. And because of that, it seemed like a waste of time, so I stopped doing it.

Then I discovered a new way of doing it that worked for me.

Each day I write down 5 MOMENTS I’m grateful for, as opposed to 5 things. That way it isn’t so superficial. And then I get even more specific. I choose moments that happened over the last 24 hours, which makes it a little more relevant. It could be a great car park at the grocery store, watching a beautiful sunrise, seeing a shooting star or a rainbow, a walk on the beach, that first sip of coffee in the morning, reading a good book, a sleep in. Even on the hardest days, there are small moments that you can find.

Then when I write them down, I take a minute to feel the beauty I felt in each moment. I let it wash over me, breathe it in, and sit in that moment of gratitude. And it feels great. It isn’t just ticking something off the to-do list – I feel better instantly.

Even on the hardest days, there are small moments that you can find.

What happens then is that you go out in search of those moments. When you set the habit of writing them down at the beginning or end of the day, you’re more likely to recognise those moments as they occur. So, when you see the sunrise, a little voice says, I am grateful for this moment. 

That helps you appreciate the little things, without discounting how hard this journey is.

And if you’d like some more strategies on how you can find positivity and hope in your pregnancy, you can head to a previous blog here.

Originally published here.

Jennifer Robertson is a Fertility Coach, Certified Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner, Author of The Injustice of Infertility, a deeply inspiring and raw account of her own seven-year fertility journey, and mum of two beautiful babies. She helps women all over the world transform their mindset and take back control of their life in the midst of infertility, pregnancy loss, and pregnancy after loss. Jen is also the founder of Your Pregnancy Haven, a community and support hub for women who are pregnant after infertility or loss. This is a safe space where you can receive guidance, validation and resources to help you reduce your anxiety, and experience joy in your pregnancy. You can follow Jennifer on Instagram @yourpregnancyhaven or @msjenniferrobertson or via her website or

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