How to Feel Inspired While Homesteading

4. Look back on all you’ve accomplished 

You’ve accomplished a lot so far on your homestead, so use this time of feeling uninspired to write down or think about all you have done to get where you are today. You’ve put grit and determination into your lifestyle. Whatever you’ve done, whether purchasing chickens or planting one more tree, it was for you and those in your homestead. Of course, not everything goes as planned, but continue to appreciate what you have and the life you are living. 

5. When you fall off the horse, get right back on 

Finally, get back into it.

Wake up with the sun and start a new day with a fresh mindset.

It might feel like you’re jumping off a cliff, but once you take that initial step, it’s much easier to keep going. Every time you accomplish something from here on out, you get a boost of serotonin, which keeps you inspired. The homesteading journey was never meant to be easy, but it is worthwhile. 

Keep on Homesteading 

You chose the homesteading life for a reason. There are ups and downs in any lifestyle, but you just have to keep going. Embrace every day and be thankful for the life you have. 

Jane Marsh is the founder and editor-in-chief of where she shares practical tips on how to live a greener life. 

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