How to Know if a Pet is Right for Your Family

How Much Time Can You Spend on a Pet?

Sit down with a calendar or look at your schedule. A pet can require a lot of attention, especially if you choose to get a young animal. They might be perfect for your family if you have a lot of free time. Fitting a pet into your schedule might be complicated if you’re constantly driving to and from school, work and sports practices.

What Care Will the Pet Need?

Take a look at your living space. Your area should meet the minimum requirements for whichever pet you choose. Animals are happiest when they have room to play. Remember that unique breeds or exotic animals will require extra care.

Dogs often need special attention, including frequent walks and time spent outdoors. However, humidity above 80% is too hot for dogs to stay outside. Your pet might be unable to cool itself down, which could make it sick. Be mindful of temperatures and weather.

Are Your Children Ready for a Pet?

Make sure any young children you have can handle having a pet. They should know how to approach, pet and interact with it. They can even help care for the animal- just plan for extra time teaching your child what to do. It’s also a good idea to be present when they’re together until they develop a relationship.

A Pet Is Like a Member of the Family

Your pet can be just as unique as your family. Your potential pet deserves affection and attention, and they can add a lot to your life. Take the time and the care to determine if getting one is right for your clan.

Jane is the founder and editor-in-chief of where she shares practical tips on how to live a greener life.

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