How to Reduce Holiday Overwhelm

Let’s re-focus this holiday season to the joy, not the immense pressure and overwhelm of trying to do everything for everyone, and leaving yourself last, so you are trying to fill everyone else’s cup from your empty one. Once you have your list – start taking action!

Focus on the stuff that truly needs to be done and leave the rest.

Focus on one task at a time, so you can do that task quickly, with your full attention, rather than multi-tasking and doing a bunch of things with little attention to each – which often causes mistakes, forgetting things and much more time and stress! 

If the pressure creeps in, remind yourself that you don’t have to do it all and you can’t! You can do ANYTHING, Mama, but not everything. What can you delegate? What can you say no to? Be ruthless, and do it for YOU, because you are important, you matter.

You can then give more of yourself to your kids and family and be able to be present and enjoy your holidays.  

Remember to inject those small things into your day that bring YOU joy! Listening to Christmas music in your car, sipping a hot cup of tea alone, taking a walk in nature – whatever feels good for you. You got this! 

Sarah Noble is a Maternal Mental Health Coach, Motivational Speaker, and an Accredited Mindfulness Teacher. She specialises in helping mums optimise their mental health, so they can navigate motherhood with confidence, clarity and authenticity. She lives in Dunedin with her partner and son, Dylan, who is 24 months old. She is currently pregnant with number 2, after a miscarriage in January. She loves vegetables, rock music, nature, travel and swearing. You can find Sarah on Instagram and Facebook and at

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