Indulge Your Body & Senses with Skin & Hair Care Serum Candles

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Imposter syndrome was one of the biggest challenges I have had to face on my journey. Were my products good enough? Was I skilled enough at what I do? Was I giving my children enough focus and time? And then the eventual realisation that yes, my products were great, as I maintained repeat customers that sought me and my product out. Yes, I prioritise my children’s needs and despite the constant challenges, I continue to work towards finding a harmonious and healthy work-family lifestyle balance. And most important, I have set the trend for my children that no matter the difficulties or the curve balls and challenges, follow your passions and take the risks to make your dreams come true.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

The pros of running my own business include flexibility in terms of setting my own schedule; the autonomy to make decisions that align with my values and priorities both personally and professionally; the fulfillment  and sense of accomplishment in growing and running my own business; and, most importantly, the opportunity to be a MOMPRENEUR and setting a positive example for my kids regarding the importance of hard work, creativity, and pursuing one’s passion.

The cons would have to be coping with the stress of managing the responsibilities of both motherhood and entrepreneurship, which almost always require sensible and realistic time-management, and strong organisational skills.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My dream is expansion of the business by reaching new markets, locally, nationwide and internationally. Ambition is great and the sky is the limit. I also hope to maintain focus on always trying to be as environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly as possible by reducing the need for constant candle tins, which is achievable through expanding our range to include treatment serum refills. The aspiration to make a grander positive impact on our wider community at large through charitable initiatives, ethical practices and to one day grow enough to be capable of providing employment opportunities, especially to parents that would tremendously benefit from having a flexible work schedule.

Visit the Zee Haus & Co website to find out more and to shop their products. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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