Mobijo Art & Craft: Encouraging creative minds

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family? 

With a really detailed calendar! My nights are very busy with trainings so I do everything I can during school hours. I actually stop working at 3pm and start cooking so that everything is ready by the time my family get home. I then go into night-shift mode and do the drop-offs, pickups and catch-ups. I have the bestest best friend ever and when both our daughters have dance together, she and I share the rides so I get to spend some time with my husband too. I don’t have any other family close by so my friend network is essential.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

Can I change that to: What challenges are you overcoming? 

I am still trying to get Mobijo out there. My biggest challenge is actually getting the products out into the market and really letting people know that they are here and they are lovely.  

Another challenge is what part of the business to focus on at a time. Since I am drawing, designing and selling art products, which one do I do today? Urgent design work for clients will take priority and posting off orders will be the first thing to do every morning. For the rest, I try to go back to that detailed calendar and share the time left between creating new art, social media and sourcing more products. 

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

Being at home and available to my family is by far the biggest plus. The ability to do something I love every day is something I will be eternally grateful for. Not to mention doing a load of washing during the week instead of taking up a precious weekend is priceless. 

A definite con would be not knowing if I will make enough to pay the bills or even pay for that school trip or school shoes. Socially, some months are harder than others but if you have the right people in your life, they understand.  

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

Hopes: I want to bring affordable, sustainable, eco-friendly art and art supplies to the community. I hope to be able to do this for a very long while.  

Dreams: I want to live in a children’s book, where I can talk to animals, breathe under water and live in a forest with owls, sloths, bears, foxes and wolves. I also plan to illustrate my two children’s books in 2020. 

Find out more about Mobijo by visiting Michelle’s Art and Design website and her Graphic Design website. You can also follow Mobijo on Facebook and Instagram, as well as shop for products on Etzy.

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