My Passion for Women’s Wellbeing & Education for Empowerment!

Online courses for inspiration, empowerment and optimising wellbeing

My Aromatherapy for personal bliss and Crystals for balance and harmony are courses that are empowering you to find serenity with aromatherapy and crystals for self-compassion and self-care. My mindfulness for focus and flow course will empower you with mindfulness practices and tools for living in the moment. My meditation and visualisation for peace and clarity course will empower you to find serenity to flourish with self-kindness techniques. My online courses include: recorded video presentations, an enlightening handbook, inspirational guidance downloads, positive affirmations and a guided meditation. 

To be and feel empowered, you need time and space to focus on your own power and to be inspired by education for wellbeing. Focus on your intuition and the natural healing and amazing abilities of your body. Positive affirmations can be a great way to focus your mind on positive statements. Mindful movement can be a wonderful way to focus your body and mind. If you are a more visual person, then visualisation can help you find clarity and peace. Education for empowerment is about inspiring you to learn techniques and holistic tools to find serenity to flourish and optimise your wellbeing.

I also have a YouTube channel, Instagram and Facebook where I share my mini-inspirational teachings about holistic therapies for free.

Education for empowerment is freedom!

Freedom is a feeling, but it is also a behaviour and a strong, motivating state of being. I have experienced the freedom that education has given me and I cherish the holistic therapies and holistic self-coaching techniques that I have learned.

To feel and be truly free is a liberating experience! For education to be empowering, information needs to be presented in a way that enables you to feel you have control, choice and to optimise your wellbeing with new knowledge. If you are truly in tune with your body, mind and emotions and are making informed choices that feel intuitive and individual to you, this is freedom and empowerment.

Specialist education for pregnancy, birth and motherhood

I support all women to explore serenity to flourish, but I also specialise in holistic birth education for empowerment, freedom and intuitive choices for pregnancy. I have a dedicated website and Instagram, and my courses are tailored for pregnancy and motherhood. 

To find out more, follow the links to the main Serenity to Flourish pages here: Rozalind Joy Neil ( to Flourish – Home | FacebookRozalind Joy MSc BSc (Hons) Dip Holistic (@serenitytoflourish) • Instagram photos and videosSerenity to Flourish – Rozalind Joy Neil – YouTube and the pregnancy & birth-specific pages here: Rozalind Joy Neil ( Joy (@serenitytoflourish_pregnancy) • Instagram photos and videos.

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