Nurturing Mothers & Babies through Consistent, Evidence-Based, Exceptional Quality Care

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

One of the biggest challenges has been overcoming the self doubt – the internal dialogue and imposter syndrome that plagues so many of us. The number of times my partner has heard me say, “Who do I think I am?” or “Why did I think I could do this?”. Every time I open my email account to find a new bill or a new ‘problem’.  Every time I open my bank account to check if we can pay the bills. Deep down, I have always known this would be great and is a much needed service, but embarking on such a huge undertaking, on my own, starting a business with no business training, is a massive challenge. Now, every time I walk into the clinic and see the happy families, the fulfilled practitioners, the collaboration, a little bit of the imposter syndrome starts to fade away.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Running your own business is a 24-7 job. There is no rest, no escape. All accountability lies with me. This is hugely stressful. The lows can be pretty low, and it’s quite a lonely path. But sitting alongside this are the incredibly high highs. Seeing a dream become a reality, seeing a need being met, making a work environment that is inclusive, supportive and fun, this makes all of the challenges worthwhile. And knowing that I am solely responsible for this creation. Knowing I have the autonomy to make this business anything I want it to be is hugely rewarding.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My aim for now is letting as many new parents as possible know about this amazing space, so we can bring more joy, support and consistency in the early days of parenting. Following this, we will continue to grow MIWM and bring in new supports and services that will nurture the women and children of Melbourne.

In the future, I would love to see centres like this open up all over Australia, so that families have access to consistent, coordinated, evidence-based care. We will have pop-up clinics, masterclasses and mothers’ groups. We will host expert practitioners. We will provide on-site and virtual education sessions for both families and healthcare professionals. The possibilities are endless!

Visit the Maternal and Infant Wellbeing Melbourne website to find out more about the amazing services they provide. You can also join their supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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