The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
Probably the biggest one in the last 4 years is motherhood, my mental wellbeing and balancing this with work. As a new mum, when my son was born, I felt like everything was spinning and at times I wasn’t coping with the lack of sleep, juggling housework, meals, loneliness, etc. (we have no family to help or close friends as we had moved away). So I remember an epiphany moment when I spilled my smoothie that had taken me like 30 minutes to get to in-between breastfeeding and I cried and cried. I was really upset over this spilt smoothie. That was my tipping point. From then on, I got really strict with what I needed to help me succeed with looking after baby: sharing this with hubby, asking for help, attending mums’ groups, making sure I was eating properly with nutritious meals, making time for exercise and ultimately taking ‘me time’. Once I was looking after me, I was coping way better and was a much happier mum and wife.
With Nutra-licious there are lots of challenges! Getting in the food manufacturing game is rigorous with safety compliance, auditing, labelling, packaging, etc., so I have had many things to learn and overcome or do a different way. The best thing is having support with friends and family and the families that love your product. It makes it all worth it when you overcome the barriers or setbacks.

What would be your tips for mums trying to balance work, family and their wellbeing?
I generally tell my mum clients that it’s time to put you first and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it!
Because when mum is feeling more energetic, feeling happier, less stressed, fitting her clothes and feeling sexy, that has a major flow on effect to the family. One of the best compliments I get is when my clients have told me that their kids or husbands have noticed how much happier or less snappy they are.
In addition:
- Be organised with your food and lunches. No matter how tired you are in the evening, get everything sorted for the next day (not just the kids’ lunches!). Grabbing things on the go or skipping meals can cause nutrient deficiencies (I see this a lot with iron and B12) as well as up and down blood sugar levels which can cause mood changes and stress. Eat more vegetables – 4 handfuls a day – and protein at each meal.
- If you are having ongoing digestive issues, get it seen to. Most of our neurotransmitters are made in the gut, so it’s important to have a happy gut – this = happy mind.
- Take all refined food out of the house, i.e., biscuits, sugary snack bars, white crackers, etc. You and the kids will be better off without it. Have those things as a treat out.
- Put great emphasis on your sleep and getting enough. This will greatly affect your mood and energy levels.
- Drink enough water during the day and avoid more than one cup of coffee. Start your day with a green tea.
- Stress less and manage your breathing during the day. Supplements like magnesium, B complex and ashwagandha or ginseng can be helpful.
- Take time out of your workday or in the evening/morning to exercise – one of the best ways to also reduce stress.
- Delegate, delegate, delegate where you can. Ask for support.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
My hope is that my Shred It Challenge and Vibrant Women Programme continue to help as many women as possible who need support getting themselves back on track. We all need a bit of support in different areas and it’s not a shameful thing to ask for help, hence why some people have personal trainers to help with exercise. It’s ok to have a nutritionist to help support you and your family with healthy eating. I’m all about what you can eat rather than what you can’t!
For Nutra-licious we are just continuing to launch and build up awareness of our awesome product range so hoping many mums will be keen to try them out and share with their friends.
Visit the Lifespark Nutrition website to find out more, and for a complimentary chat with Kate. Join the Lifespark supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram. You can also follow the Nutra-licious page and place orders for your snack packs.