As a mama, it’s really important to find the time to look after yourself and to get in all the important things that your body needs. Natalie Ward launched The Blissful Mum to create tasty and nutrient-dense on-the-go snacks that are dairy free, vegan friendly and naturally filled with added vitamins and minerals to boost your body and keep you healthy from the inside. Their ‘Boobie Booster’ range is specifically designed for breastfeeding mums and include essential lactation support with protein and collagen options to help mums bounce back and feel great. Handmade in New Zealand, The Blissful Mum products make for the perfect gifts and are a healthy alternative to sugary treats.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
When I first became a mama, I somewhat expected the tiredness, I expected the slight chaos that a newborn would bring…however, the one thing I underestimated was the emotional rollercoaster of a breastfeeding journey that I was about to embark on. How could something that is meant to be so natural be an all-consuming stress just to get right? Let’s just say we had our share of issues in the beginning and so this set off a strange curiosity and determination to increase my breastmilk production, which I now know many other women struggle with.
I experimented with flavours and known galactagogues (the good stuff that helps your body produce) and before long, my supply was up and I was a proverbial milking machine. I not only was lucky enough to feed my baby night and day, I was fortunate enough to pump and donate over 150 bags of breastmilk to many other babies in need of that sweet liquid gold which is such a prime ingredient to a great healthy start in life.

I set out to design natural and tasty snacks, which include bliss balls and cookies for busy humans, with the convenience factor of being ready to eat and delicious, with the added bonus of nutrient-rich ingredients that assist your body in the production of breastmilk. I wanted to be able to help as many other mamas who needed a little boost during the hecticness of early motherhood and beyond – there is something for everyone.
The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I started very small. I was the mama who made other mama friends snacks from my home kitchen. I have always loved baking and creating and after many lovely reviews and encouraging comments about what I was producing, then came the idea of starting the business. I had sadly been made redundant due to COVID so I had a little more time up my sleeve and threw myself into learning how to set up a website, complete the required certifications and research products, all while being a full-time stay-at-home mum, which is a full-time job in itself.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
When I started getting repeat customers. From their positive and constructive feedback, it allowed me to fine-tune the product and be super proud and sure of what I was putting out there, and above all, hearing that it was helping them through really gave me the motivation to power forward with my vision of creating a handmade with love product that people (including the partners) were really enjoying.