While 25 sounds fairly young to start a family in this day and age, how many pregnancies you have is also a determining factor in living into your 90s.
“The findings indicate that women with two to four term pregnancies compared with a single term pregnancy were also more likely to live at least nine decades.”
“Our findings do not suggest that women should delay having a child, as the risk of obstetric complications, including gestational diabetes and hypertension, is higher with older maternal ages. It is possible that surviving a pregnancy at an older age may be an indicator of good overall health, and as a result, a higher likelihood of longevity,” said Shadyab.
The researchers found that women who lived to age 90 and beyond were also more likely to have gone to college, have married, be less likely to have a history of health issues or obesity, and also were in a higher income bracket.
Hannah Schenker is a freelance writer, editor and regular contributor to The Natural Parent Magazine. She lives with a touch of magic in Golden Bay, New Zealand.