Parenting On Purpose: Raising Happy, Healthy, Confident Children

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

One of the biggest challenges is time; the other is money. I’ve had to accept that my business won’t get off the ground as fast as I would like and to learn to celebrate the small accomplishments as I go. There’s a delicate balance between working for yourself and working for someone else to pay the bills. I’m now at the stage where the business is taking priority, so the current challenge is marketing my courses and offerings to get clients.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

A definite pro is that inner feeling of heartwarming contentment that I am doing it, I AM DOING IT! Following my dream and seeing it take shape is pretty awesome. I feel proud that my kids can see that action+passion=success.

In terms of cons, I feel overwhelmed a lot by how much there is to do; new things pop up that you didn’t know about, and being the only one to do it all can be daunting at times.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

Ooooh, what next? Well my overall business goal is to be the leading provider of parenting courses in New Zealand so I’ll continue working away at that. A short-term goal is to get a really nice flow of business/other work balance. I am looking at studying counselling so I can offer a full wrap-around service to parents and children. I’ve also just created an 8-week course called Wonderfail -providing space for parents to come together to really be honest about what it’s like being a parent, taking the rose-coloured glasses off and having space to be real and raw in our parenting journeys. I think it’s important to address this, as so much social media portrays a perfection that just isn’t real.

Visit the Parenting On Purpose website to find out more, and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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