Pilates Fitness: Perfect for Pregnant and New Mums

For pregnant and postpartum mamas, core strength is a real biggie: how to create it, how to strengthen it, how to regain it post-birth. A strong core will help your back through your pregnancy, while also aiding your recovery time after birth. If you can’t get out to a class, then why not try it at home? Pilates Fitness offer classes in person but also online. We spoke to business founder Melinda Wyllie to learn more about how she got started. 

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

I woke one morning and realized there was so much more to life. There I was, 37 with two beautiful daughters, but working 40 hours per week in a job that did not enjoy. We have one chance at this life, and I was living life safely instead of chasing my dreams. I drifted back to all my years as a dancer when I was younger – before becoming a mother I taught ballet for five years in Taupo, my childhood stomping ground. I loved to dance but knew I didn’t want to return to educating children. Like an epiphany, it just came to me: PILATES! Beautiful, low impact, core-focused resistant training: PILATES. Great for all fitness levels, age groups and super safe during pregnancy. I borrowed money from a family member and in January 2007 trained under Master Pilates teacher Susie Cleland.  How lucky was I to find my place on this earth?

The Launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

In the very beginning, I ran just two night classes a week from our local library that offered rooms for hire. I was still working full time in my administration role and raising my daughters, Skye and Bree who were just 5 and 6 years old. It didn’t take long for the word to spread about Pilates Fitness.

The innovation: What was the most significant breakthrough for you with your business?

Believing in myself and just how fabulous Pilates is during and after pregnancy. Our exercises actually aid the delivery of your baby and your recovery. For 45 minutes you get to focus on your body and the beautiful life growing inside of you. Strengthening your body for optimal health. To aid beautiful mamas for the delivery of their babies and speed up recovery.

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