Pilates & Holistic Fitness Specifically Designed for Women’s Health & Wellbeing

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Gosh – loads! My health is one of the biggest challenges. Having several endocrine complications means my body doesn’t always play ball and I can go through periods of needing lots of tests. Trying to work with two young children was also challenging. My youngest was very premature and so trying to look after him, my family and myself was a real challenge. Even after he came home, there were endless hospital appointments and health visitor visits. Luckily, he is now absolutely fine and completely insane!

Then there was Covid and all the complications that came along with that! The last few years have certainly not been easy, but luckily, the business has some very loyal clients and we managed to get through these challenges together.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Pros are definitely making a difference to people in terms of their health and wellbeing. I am able to get to know these people and usually their families and provide a safe, welcoming environment for them to be in. This makes them feel like they are in control, and there is always something that can be done, which gives people hope and motivation to carry on.

There is also endless learning! Science is always finding us new and exciting things that challenge the way we think and work with our bodies – I absolutely love it!

The cons are the same for all self-employed people, I think! The constant worry of having enough cash-flow, never being able to switch off the hours – long days and late nights.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

One day, I hope to educate and mentor other fitness and wellbeing professionals to think outside the box and on more of a holistic approach to exercise, to look at the individual and not just the group of people. I would also love to get back in the water and scuba dive – ideally with sharks! Most of all, I would love to take the boys aways on a big vacation!

Visit the Feelgood Fitness website to find out more and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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