Poems & Portraits on the Grief & Love of Motherhood

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

In my business, the biggest challenge that I have overcome is the fear of what other people might think of me. Will they like my poems? Am I good enough? Will my models like my photos? Who do I think I am? Imposter syndrome has been huge!

I have also learnt to go with my gut feeling when making creative decisions, even if that means potentially offending someone. I don’t think that I have offended anyone, but I always tend to be a “yes” woman to make the other person feel good, even at the detriment of my own creative vision. I have had to learn to stick with my vision so that I can achieve what my heart wants to achieve, and not settle for less.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

The pros are having full creative control over everything I do, flexible hours (I’m a night owl and often feel my most creative when the boys are in bed and the house is quiet), and the fulfillment of seeing my dreams come true.

The cons are the startup costs, the pressure of continual content creation to market my business, and the overwhelm of learning things out of my comfort zone, such as website building.

Image credit: Nicole McNamee
Hopes and dreams: What next?

I am so excited for this season that I am in! I have just started offering poetic family photoshoots for local Tasmanians and I am also working on my second book. I can’t give away too much, but it will be a sister book to ‘Watercolour Paper,’ and I have some beautiful plans for it that are already in motion. I have some exciting collaborations coming up too, with other artists, so please find me on Instagram for all the latest updates!

Visit Jessica’s website to find out more, and connect with her on Instagram.

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