Post Natal Mamas: Are You Getting Help With Your Core and Pelvic Floor?

The Drive: What challenges have you overcome?


The more you know, the more you don’t. I spent years studying and learning and never implementing, simply because I didn’t believe I knew enough. When I finally took the first step, my learning was steered by the clients I had in front of me.  If I didn’t know something, I could easily find out.

Seeing the progress in my clients has built my confidence in ways that studying along could never have done.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Pro: I get to choose my own hours. I can plan my bookings around my life.

Pro: I get to do what I love.

Pro: I get to take clients on hikes and activities as part of work.

Con: For the most part, the biggest con is being a lone wolf. There is no boss to give me deadlines or keep me accountable. It’s all on me, which is scary at times.

Con: Doing my own marketing and admin.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My dream for any women, who is experiencing some form of core or pelvic floor dysfunction to know where to go for help. To not just believe that they need to “bounce back” after pregnancy.

My goal is to keep growing the classes and workshops, and help as many women as possible.

Ready to regain your core strength and work on your pelvic floor? Visit the Women’s Fitness Specialist website to find out more, or email Amy at:

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