The hard work has essentially been done for us. Each product has been meticulously researched, tested and reviewed. Care instructions are given. And each package arrives hand wrapped in plastic-free packaging. Best sellers include Amber glass pump bottles, Weck storage jars, the now famous Cuban Mop, wooden drying racks, and a selection of kitchen items, made by Shayna’s father from reclaimed wood.

Whether these objects allow us to refill, reuse, or repair, they are all useful, minimise our impact, and offer longevity. And with just a little care and minimal maintenance, they are designed to last a lifetime. Sure, on the face of it, like-for-like, a wooden dish brush may seem expensive compared with a familiar plastic version. But think for a moment about the cost of ownership. How long that plastic object will last in your home, where it will go once you have finished with it, the impact manufacturing it had on the earth and the people who made it, and also just how damn ugly it is! That beautiful wooden alternative suddenly seems a little more reasonable and a lot better for the planet.

It doesn’t take long to see that we can now have our cake and eat it too. We can now choose useful items for our home that are sustainable, long lasting, and quality but are also drop dead gorgeous.
For beautiful, useful, plastic-free inspiration follow @thewastefreehome on Instagram, or browse online at