After experiencing her own huge transformation when becoming a mother, Amy Brady Burns knew she was destined to support other women through their motherhood journeys. Using a woman-centred approach, she believes that the perinatal journey should embody the whole woman: her self, her body, her baby, and her support networks. At Amy Brady Burns – Mothers’ Support, she provides a safe, supportive space for women at all stages of their motherhood journey, with the aim that every woman will experience an empowered pregnancy, birth & postpartum period, followed by a fulfilling life ahead. Her holistic support services include birth & postpartum preparation, wellness coaching and mentorship. Here, he talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind her business and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
Becoming a mother was THE most transformational experience that I have ever encountered, and one which I experienced while completing a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. My second baby came a couple of years earlier than ‘planned’ (motherhood doesn’t go to plan really, does it?). I also endured a high-risk pregnancy and birth second time round. This was followed by time in NICU, as well as chronic allergies and eczema for our little human. Upon finishing my degree, every inch of my soul knew that I was destined to support other women – whether they are becoming mothers, already mothers, or mothers striving to achieve an identity outside of this intense role which we have embarked on.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I started out with an idea – creativity flowing through my veins, as well as a mentoring session with a good friend of mine who was also my doula. She offered a lot of practical support and guidance, as well as confidence in my business model, for which I will be forever grateful. This was then followed by a soft launch on social media, letting my beautiful little business grow organically.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
Moving back home to the Sunshine Coast QLD, after 22 years in the Northern Territory (as well as time overseas, W.A., and the Redlands, QLD). This move has been such a transformational time in my life, filled with new challenges – but also filled with so much joy. And along with this joy, came the inevitable flow of creativity for my business, and a beautiful space to offer women locally.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
This is a challenge, and any working mother can be testament of this battle between being a good mum and pursuing your passions/career in life, as well as bringing in much-needed income for your family. I keep with the mindset that I am a great mum, but can also follow my passion in life, too. “There is no such thing as a perfect mum, but a thousand ways to be a good one” is a quote that really resonates with me. I try and maintain a balance by having open communication with my husband, who is truly my rock. He works full time, but also understands how demanding the role of a full-time mother is, plus setting out to pursue my own passions in life. I also try and practise at least 20 minutes of yoga/Pilates most days, as well as getting outdoors. I LOVE the ocean, breathing in fresh air on walks, bike rides, and using my own body weight to challenge myself physically and strengthen my core. Having completed a Certificate 4 in Fitness, as well as a certificate in Floor Pilates, I feel like I have a lot to offer my clients in this area as well. Realistic and enjoyable options for wellness that will suit their current circumstance.