The Power of Cod Liver Oil: Enhancing Health of the Family

The journey of reproductive health and parenthood is a remarkable one. Amidst the excitement, it’s crucial to consider every possible way to ensure a healthy pregnancy, vibrant fertility, and the wellbeing of both parents and babies.

One natural whole food that has been gaining attention for its potential benefits is cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is a natural whole-food source of healthy omega fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and naturally occurring vitamins A and D. It is a well-known supplement for improving mood, memory, and reducing inflammation. In this blog post, we’ll explore the valuable role that cod liver oil might play in enhancing reproductive health for a healthy pregnancy.

Summary points:

  • Cod liver oil is a high-quality source of vitamins A and D and essential fatty acids.
  • A high-fertility diet may help to mitigate the impacts of ovulatory disorders such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), ovarian tumours, and adrenal disorders. 
  • Expectant mothers taking cod liver oil supplements have demonstrated support for the healthy development of their babies.
  • Vitamin D might contribute to reducing the risk of menstrual cycle irregularities and increasing the likelihood of successful conception.
  • Vitamin D could aid in promoting the production of sex hormones and improve both sperm production and quality in men.
  • Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are common growths in women’s uterine walls. Vitamin D could stand as a promising non-surgical therapeutic option for uterine fibroids. 

Wholesome Eating and Omega-3 fatty acids

Making adjustments to your diet holds the potential to effectively support and sustain optimal reproductive health, a principle applicable to both men and women. Research indicates that specific dietary modifications can influence the chances of achieving a full-term pregnancy and mitigate the impact of ovulatory disorder infertility.[1]

A high-fertility diet promotes a balanced intake of fats, protein sources, carbohydrates and iron. Specifically, the demand for essential omega-3 fatty acids increases during pregnancy, particularly in comparison to non-pregnant women.[2] Selecting a transparent and environmentally responsible cod liver oil brand is crucial to ensuring the oils you obtain are pure and pollutants-free. It also helps prevent any harm to ocean ecosystems caused by trawling and net fishing. Choose Rosita’s hand-crafted Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil. It contains a full spectrum of omega 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11 essential fatty acids and is sourced using a simple line and hook fishing method. 

When pregnant women take cod liver oil, scientific studies have indicated that it might:

  • Protect baby against Type I diabetes.[3]
  • Support baby’s later cognitive function and mental development.[4],[5]
  • Prolong baby’s gestation, leading to a higher birth weigh.[6]
  • Support baby’s eye and brain development.[7]

Vitamin D Fortification Programmes

Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”, is often lacking despite its availability. Around 40% of Europeans are deficient, with 13% being severely deficient.[8] In 1962, Denmark and Finland began researching the link between vitamin D and pregnancy outcomes using vitamin D fortification programmes. The researchers found compelling results. Women diagnosed with infertility were reported to have a higher chance of achieving a live birth during the final years of the fortification period (1980-1985) compared to a later period without exposure (1986-1991).[9] This finding has been supported by other studies that have shown a link between vitamin D and a lower risk of menstrual cycle abnormalities and a higher probability of conception.[10]

How does vitamin D achieve this? Vitamin D may support the ability of the uterus to accept and support pregnancy, as well as the process of the fertilised egg attaching itself to the uterus. This could happen through changes in the genes active in the uterine lining or through certain cells involved in early pregnancy stimulating the growth and interaction with the uterine tissue.[11] These observations highlight vitamin D’s potential impact in enhancing reproductive health.

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