By Hils Robson


It isn’t always easy though so here are a few tips I hope may help. 

WATCH YOUR BABY – Babies are so easily over stimulated and even watching presents being opened can be enough for their little minds to be overwhelmed, let alone the noise, chaos and constant passing around for cuddles. 

Keep an eye on their cues: rubbing eyes, gazing away, fretting, frowning, fidgety, etc., as it may be they need a quiet space for a bit. These are signs they need to sleep! It’s so lovely to respect your baby, even if in your mind you want them there at that specific moment – they don’t know that. 

If you watch early, you can prevent an overload of the senses and they can have a wee nap and will then be happier carrying on with their day, with less tears. 

SAVE YOUR PENNIES – Your little joy won’t remember all the presents they kindly received, and chances are they will be more interested in the wrapping!  

Our most popular toy by far over the years of having our little babies was always a box of Maltesters!!! It rattled, it had crinkly cellophane and the bonus being the adults enjoyed the contents! 

BE GENTLE – With yourself and your baby. Don’t put too much pressure on the day being perfect. Babies, as you know, are unpredictable. 

Go with the flow, expect the unexpected and then anything else is a bonus. 

PLAN THE MEALTIME – Family will understand if you suggest a different time to eat if this fits better with your baby’s nap time. 

KEEP TO ROUTINES – Where possible, try and keep to your baby’s normal routine and the day should be easier for them. 

NEW TRADITIONS – You are your own family now and so speak up if you’d like to do things differently. It’s always worth asking/suggesting. 

TALK – Discuss Christmas with your family/friends and let them know what’s important to you so there’s less chance of you getting upset or disappointed if things don’t happen that you had hoped for. 

See next page for more…
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