Founded by leading clinical nutritionist Ben Warren, BePure is a scientific wellness company with a vision of happier and healthier communities across New Zealand and the world. Understanding the crucial role of diet, lifestyle and nutrition on quality of life and wellness, they empower people on their health journeys through life-changing education, high strength, high quality nutritional supplements and their leading holistic health clinic, with the core purpose of transforming lives. Here, BePure General Manager Lily Clark talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind the business, their journey so far, and her immense passion for what they do.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
Research suggests the way we live is taking a toll on our health. Food quality is diminishing and modern farming practices mean fewer nutrients in our soil, which means fewer nutrients in our food. On top of this, stress levels are increasing and we’re demanding more from our bodies. Health challenges are on the rise as nutrient deficiencies are becoming the norm. This is where we come in.
Recognising the rise in health challenges, we found that so many of them are driven by diet and lifestyle issues, such as stress, poor sleep and nutrient deficiencies. Without sounding cheesy because it really has depth and is what drives us, our core purpose is to transform lives – whether it’s through our premium supplement range designed to fill those nutrient gaps, our empowering education designed to inspire people to get interested and take action when it comes to their health, or our leading scientific wellness clinic where we support people one on one.
Pretty much unless something is truly going to transform someone’s wellness, we don’t bother doing it, which is why we find people really love our products and services so much. They’re not driven by fads or trends, they’re about what people really need, and they’re designed to really work to meet those needs. It’s such inspiring work to be a part of.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
Our founder, Ben Warren, went on his own health journey discovering the power of nutrition. He had an ongoing health challenge that was completely taking over his life. In a nutshell, after years of testing and working with a huge number of specialists that couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong, he found it was related to dairy intolerance and poor gut health that was creating huge inflammation in his body.
Through cutting out dairy and working on his gut he managed to quickly regain his health back. Pretty incredible really. Realising that nutrition and what you eat impacts your quality of life so much, Ben trained as a Clinical Nutritionist and set up BePure to share this message and help more people with the products and services we offer.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
On Ben’s journey as a nutritionist, he was stumped as to why so many of us were so nutrient deficient, even when we ate a quality, wholefoods diet with plenty of veg and protein.
Investigating this further, he found that it was the quality of our food that was diminishing. Because of modern farming practices and the long time that we store food before we eat it, our food has fewer nutrients in it by the time it hits our plate. On top of this, we’re living far more stressful lives, which means we use what nutrients we have faster.
What we put in our bodies literally makes up the cells and supports the many functions in our bodies crucial to our health. It makes sense then that we need enough nutrients to feel good!
This is where our BePure supplement range came in. They’re designed to meet those nutrient gaps, they’re inspired by our clinical practice and expertise and they’re backed by a lot of science and research around ingredients and levels of those ingredients needed to actually have an impact on our wellness.
Making supplements that are created out of a real need and formulations that actually work might sound obvious, but unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of others doing it, especially as wellness fads and trends are on the rise.
This has been a breakthrough for us where we’ve found so many people turn to us now for their wellness and the results they get to inspire us and motivate us to keep going every day!