Once you have children, work takes on a different meaning in your life. Being able to stay home with the kids while you work is something many mums dream of – it’s just a matter of finding that right role for you. Kimberley Miller has managed to do just that, by becoming an independent Scentsy consultant. We spoke to Kimberley to find out more about how she got started.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
For me there were a few factors which led me to starting my own Scentsy business. The main inspiration was how much I loved the product and how much I wanted to share it with everyone around me. From the very first time I tried Scentsy I fell in love with it, from the Wax Bars to the laundry products and the Children’s Buddy range. The quality of the product is amazing and the fact that there is something that will suit everyone means I found myself wanting to be part of it.
The other inspiration for me was wanting to find a job that would work around my kids and home life. When I was offered the opportunity to not only sell something that I truly enjoyed but also to be able to do it around my family commitments I thought it was a no-brainer.
The Launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
About a year ago someone close to me introduced me to this amazing product which smelled simply amazing. I found myself wanting to know more and the snowball began. The more I purchased, the more I discovered and the more I wanted to become a part of it all. Then I was offered the most amazing opportunity, to become an independent Scentsy consultant. Once I had made my mind up there was no turning back. I took the plunge into the Scentsy world and it has been the best decision I could have made.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
The biggest breakthrough for my Scentsy business has been my own personal growth. I have found that I have had to step out of my comfort zone and take risks in order to succeed. To ensure my business will move forward I have had to put my own fears and insecurities aside and put myself out there to be able to approach people. This has been the biggest challenge for me both personally and professionally. I have had to learn to believe in myself which is also a big personal step for me. I feel that I have personally, and my business also, benefited from this immensely and I hope to be able to continue in this manner.
Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Time management and a shared love for the Scentsy products definitely helps a lot. Finding a balance between family and work life has been a challenge and that challenge hasn’t fully been overcome yet, however I am finding that making lists, planning and preparation is very beneficial. There have been a lot of late nights after the kids have gone to bed and also family trips to deliver orders, but for me that has all been worth it. I am enjoying what I am doing so much that I don’t mind the constant juggle. I think that as my kids get a bit older and I work out what works best in both aspects it will all become easier and more natural. My daughter who has just turned three absolutely loves all of my Scentsy products and she smells them all whenever she gets a chance. She even knows which ones she likes and doesn’t like. Being the loving big sister that she is she makes sure her one-year-old brother smells them too. He isn’t sure about them at all, but it is still cute to watch.