Tahi Skincare was created out of a desire for how skincare products make you feel rather than how they make you look. A strong drive for aligning the earth and ourselves together inspired a range of skincare oils that nourish your skin, nurture your wellbeing and simply your life.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
The inspiration was born out of the frustration we felt about how skincare seemed to be so overcomplicated and focused on how you look and not so commonly on how it made you feel. We wanted to create and share something that was about nourishment, self- love, simplicity, something multi-use and something that connected us to Mother Earth, connected us to Papatūānuku.
The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I had been playing around with different oils and plant extracts to heal my skin, I was so happy with the whole experience and with the results that I wanted to share it with our friends and whānau. Everyone loved it, so we decided to start making more and try selling it in some small boutique stores. It began to sell and has slowly and naturally grown from there.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
I do not know if I feel like we have had a big breakthrough, I feel maybe more what has evolved has been so natural, and the tahi has slowly grown as we have started to gain the trust of those who love our oils. Maybe that is the breakthrough.