Finding the Ease in Parenting

Photography: Lion Fox & Co

By Asta Rudzinskaite 

Somewhere amidst pretending I am Frasier, the rabbit, who has to repeat the seemingly endless dialogue lines fed by my daughter, getting the wrong spoon AGAIN, and spending the whole night checking a little feverish forehead – I can feel it approaching. It’s the familiar heavy train of thought that starts with “This whole parenting deal is SO intense!”. Other similar thoughts rapidly join in and, the next thing I know, it feels like the train is about to derail itself. And yet – this might sound strangely radical – I feel like I am getting better at finding ease in parenting.

At a time when social media is noisily exploding with chatter about the difficulties of parenting and experts’ advice on how to deal with them, it seems rebellious – or delirious, perhaps? – to go looking for ease in such an unlikely territory. The intensity and the challenges of parenting are quite evident, but what if our collective narratives and beliefs about these difficulties are what stops us from seeing the evidence of ease amidst it all? In other words, if everyone keeps insisting that something does not exist, we will most likely never choose to go looking for it. But what if it does exist, and we don’t even need to go anywhere to find it? What if ease simply comes into being the moment we decide to notice glimpses of it? What if we can observe it into being, create it?

I love that thought, so let me hold onto it while it lasts. 😃 In the meantime, here are my favourite rituals, tips, and tricks I play with my own mind to tap into ease.

The intensity and the challenges of parenting are quite evident, but what if our collective narratives and beliefs about these difficulties are what stops us from seeing the evidence of ease amidst it all?

Divert the thought train early

So that train of thought mentioned earlier – it’s not always simple to stop it once it’s gained significant momentum, and we are already feeling overwhelmed. Therefore, the trick is to catch that first thought early, as soon as it appears on the horizon of our minds. For me it often means becoming aware of the subtle stages which tend to favour such thoughts – moments when I feel disconnected, impatient, bored or not playful. Simply noticing and observing these emotions, as if they were projected on a movie screen, often allows enough space to feel calmer and more at ease.

Connect with the senses

Many of us spend our days living in our heads. The endless to-do lists and appointments, the snippets of conversations constantly on replay, the worries. Throw in the complaints of someone upset that Frasier’s trousers won’t button up, and the mental noise can quickly reach its maximum limit. In moments like these, I find that connecting with my senses can do wonders. Closing the eyes for a second, and becoming aware of sounds, or smells around, or feeling the warmth of soapy water while washing those tiny toes. Even the smallest moments of connecting with our senses are moments when we step out of the mental noise and into a glimpse of simplicity and ease.

The touch of gratitude

Speaking of connecting with the sense of touch, one of my favourite mindfulness practices is to become acutely focused on touch for a few minutes. To make the focus easier, I like to play a game of gratitude – where for a minute or two the rule is to express quietly or out loud why I am grateful to every single thing that I happen to touch during that time. A cup for holding my tea. A dried date for the explosion of sweetness on my tongue. A broken pencil for accompanying my daughter’s intense drawing session. A banana peel on its way to the garbage for the healthy nourishment, etc, etc. In just a matter of seconds this practice even on the busiest day becomes nearly dance-like and is a beautiful way to enter the states of flow and ease.

Connect with the body’s rhythms

I often find that the quickest route to feeling disconnected from myself and overwhelmed by the demands of parenting is forgetting the natural rhythm of my own body. There are days when our bodies call for more rest and slowing down, and continuing to push through will usually only lead to more exhaustion and maybe even dis-ease. This is particularly relevant on days just before and during our menstrual cycles. While having a full day to rest might not be an option for most parents, finding even a few minutes for our own little ritual to honour the bodies right where they are at can work absolute magic. Whether it’s leaving those dishes unwashed and slowing down with a big cup of herbal tea or nipping out into the balcony after everyone is tucked in to soak up the moonlight, tuning into our bodies’ rhythms helps us connect and be more patient with ourselves. And even a little bit of ease found within quickly becomes ease without.

Bring on pleasure

An amazing practice related to tuning into our bodies’ rhythms is allowing ourselves to experience more pleasure. By all means plan those long massage sessions at the spa if you feel so inspired, but more pleasure doesn’t mean having to make big plans. It can be slathering on some home-made cacao butter and coconut oil moisturiser for a two-minute self-massage (I also add in vanilla and rose essential oils into it and call it chocolate rose cream!). Or moving the body in any way that feels good – even if it’s just one happy song that makes your hips shake. Pretending to be a cat and stretching in ways that feel good. Walking barefoot if that’s your kind of thing. Taste of your favourite chocolate. Smelling their hair as they are about to sleep (I can’t be the only mom who does that!).

We are all constantly immersed in a sea of the most delightful sights, sensations and experiences – becoming aware of that allows our bodies to soak it all up and release tensions we carry around.

Wink at mirror on the wall

Yup, it’s that simple. Every time you pass by the mirror, make it a point to find something nice to say about the face you see. A compliment, an encouragement, a smile. Fall in love with what you see but also experiment and play with this reflection. Some might think it’s cheesy or vain, but I think it’s a fun way to feel good, so why not? I’ll share with you my little secret. As a stay-at-home mom I spent most of my days in fairly … schlumpy clothes – comfort first, right? But I have a small morning ritual of always putting on some mascara. What does mascara have to do with feeling more ease as a parent, you might ask? Not much maybe, but that quick wave with the mascara wand makes me feel a tiny bit more like the goddess I often forget I am. That split second of admiring my eyelashes in the mirror is also what stops me from lunging in to search for grey hairs, new lines or other evidence of tiredness. Wink and that train of thought is gone!


Are there any lists out there these days that do not include meditation as one of the points? Probably not. It is only in the last 10 months that I have taken my meditation practice more seriously. There are still days when I skip it, but those days serve as a perfect reminder why it is so much better to me and everyone around me that I don’t. Fifteen minutes (and I always set a timer to help the time-keeping part of my brain relax) of connecting with myself somehow magically enhances how I connect with others during the rest of the day. Giving ourselves time to observe our mind without any goal other than awareness carries the possibility of remaining aware even during those “wrong spoon” moments later in the day. Here is a lovely, wise and entertaining lecture by Mingyur Rinpoche in case you still need to be convinced how easy and conducive to finding ease meditation is.

See next page for more…
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