Parenting is Tough! How To Raise Calmer, More Grounded and Happier Children

By Aimee Christie

Are you being the parent you imagined you would be? Parenting has so many highs which are totally amazing and lows that sometimes are super hard to get out of. Sometimes this is the start of a downward spiral, struggling to keep calm, struggling with your children’s behavior and unable to see how to change or fix the everyday challenges of parenthood. Your parenting challenges are like no one else’s, they are as individual and unique as your children and family.

So many factors influence how we parent, including but not limited to how we were raised; our partners and extended family’s views on parenting; our culture; religion; our geographic location; and financial demographic. But one thing is guaranteed: parents will experience challenges. Times when they don’t know what to do or they don’t like the parent they have become.

There are several simple ways to start to change the struggles within parenting, whether adopted as a part of the daily rhythm of your day or used to increase coping on the tough days. These techniques will help you raise calmer, more grounded and happier children. This will support developing more resilience within your children, who will cope better with daily life or anything that may challenge them.

Have you ever wondered why your children behavior better after time in nature?  

Spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and behavioral misconduct, thus supporting psychological well-being, in all children.

Spending time outside is an easy way to begin supporting your child’s well-being and the benefits that time in nature provides. Spend time in your own yard, even a short period of time. Walk barefoot (if practical and safe), go to the park, forest, river or lake. Take no toys and take the time to look around, take the time to sit still, to watch the birds, the insects, the way the water and trees move. Use all your senses and take in the simplicity of nature. Let your children explore independently, this empowers greater interest in learning through developing a sense of independence through exploration. Share a simple picnic of fruit and sandwiches, which your children can help prepare prior to heading out. You and your children will feel more relaxed, energized and in a better frame of mind to tackle the challenges of the day. Don’t let the weather stop you: rug up warm, wear raincoats and boots.  It is proven that time with nature is healing and improves your state of mind.

Have you ever wondered why your children behavior better at times when things are simple?

Simplicity supports well-being, fresh inspiration and imagination and helps us reconnect with each other. This may include limiting media and technology, reducing visible clutter within the home, reducing visible toys, sharing a meal sitting together or simply walk hand-in-hand together. Over-stimulation from environment and from over-parenting can accelerate behavior challenges and create overwhelmed children. This can present as behavioral misconduct and challenging behaviors in our children. Aligning the pace of our lives with that of our children for a brief period provides an opportunity for children to re-ground themselves.

See next page for more…

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