10 Ways to Naturally Overcome Sleep Deprivation

Plan Ahead. One of the biggest challenges I found with sleep deprivation is being unable to think clearly. By planning each day in the week ahead, you can think clearly in advance and alleviate some of the pressure you may feel during the week. A plan can be as simple as “wash my hair,” “read 5 pages of a book,” “go out for coffee,” or “take a 10-minute walk”. Make as simple or complex a plan as you can manage and be willing to re-adjust for unforeseen circumstances.

Seek Inspiration. Find something that inspires you and gives you energy. This may involve having a conversation with a friend, listening to a podcast, watching a movie or video, reading a book, cooking a new recipe, or doing some exercise. Keep track of the activities or events that give you energy. Then try to fit in at least one energy-giving activity into each day.

Exercise. Exercise has so many benefits and exercising in the morning can really help kick-start your day. Exercise may involve going for a walk, doing some jumping jacks, taking a fitness class, swimming, cycling, running, yoga, weight training, or any other activity that you love doing. My only advice is to do your exercise in the morning. It will take effort, but just do it! Your body and mind will thank you.

Use Cold Therapy. Do you ever notice how you feel sleepy when it is warm, but feel energised when it is cold? The easiest and quickest way to experience the benefits of cold therapy is in your shower. Set your baby or toddler nearby and turn on the shower for 5 minutes. Alternate 10 seconds of warm water with 20 seconds of cold water. Just relax into it and know that after 5 minutes you will emerge feeling amazing!

Meditate. The power of meditation is well-known and documented. Meditation increases your alpha and theta brainwaves, which helps you to feel calmer. It also increases blood flow to your brain, which reduces stress and lowers anxiety. Just 5 or 10 minutes of meditation can reset your mind so you are better able to manage the stress and anxiety you feel in your sleep-deprived state. Perhaps consider using a phrase such as “I feel great” or “I feel awake and alert” as a meditation mantra.

Use Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy has been widely used to improve moods and treat a range of physical and emotional issues including easing stress and anxiety. To help overcome the impacts of sleep deprivation, I especially like peppermint and lemon oils. The bright fragrance of these oils helps me feel more awake and alert. You can easily diffuse them in your home using a room diffuser or spray bottle, or simply inhale the fragrance by putting a couple of drops on a cotton ball.

Listen to Music. Find music that elicits the mood you are seeking. If you need energy, then find music that makes you want to get up and dance. If you need peace, then find music that makes you want to breathe and relax. Consider listening to binaural beats. YouTube has dozens of fantastic binaural beat audios for energy, focus, or concentration.

Eat and Drink Well. This means eating regular healthy and nutritious meals with a good balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. This also means drinking at least 2-3 litres of water each day. Coffee and tea, unfortunately, are not a substitute for water. Be willing to prepare and eat simple nutritious foods, at least during this time when you are sleep deprived. A nourished body always helps support a nourished mind.

Now, one of these days, your baby and/or toddler will start sleeping through the night and you will regain the luxury of a regular sleep schedule. But until then, I hope you find these suggestions helpful. Use one or all these suggestions and let me know how you feel. My hope is that despite your sleep deprivation, you will feel better during the day and be able to enjoy all the special moments with your family before they pass you by.

April Kinney is a mother and owner of Kinney & Kinney, a coaching and mentoring company based in Perth, Australia. At age 50, she successfully navigated a corporate career for over twenty years and is now a Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timeline ® Therapy, and Hypnotherapy. April’s mission is to help families navigate their life challenges with clarity and confidence to create a life of purpose and meaning. You can follow along with her journey at www.aprilkinney.com and https://www.facebook.com/AprilLKinney.

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