Lunch Box Hacks and Meal Prep Tips

Dreading the thought of another year of packing school lunches? We’ve got 8 easy tips to help make the morning rush that much calmer.

  1. Meal plan: Work out what you’ll cook for the week and do a big shop before Monday. It makes that dreaded question ‘what’s to eat?’ easier to answer, and it’ll help you save money and eat more healthily too!
  2. Make a big batch: whether it’s muffins, slice or quiche – on the weekend. Freeze some for later in the week, and you’ve got half the week’s lunches in one go.
  3. Ask the kids to help you cut up veggie sticks on a Sunday night. Portion them up for lunchboxes or afternoon snacks, ready to grab and go.
  4. A lunch box with divided compartments means you use less packaging, and there’s less chance of containers going missing somewhere between home and the playground.
  5. Invest in a thermos to keep leftovers warm. That way, all you have to do to prepare for lunch is make extra dinner! Leftovers make an interesting change from sandwiches, and the kids will feel oh-so-sophisticated tucking into a warm lunch.
  6. Use drinks as ice packs. Freeze water bottles overnight and use to keep food cool until lunchtime. The water will have melted, giving the kids nice cool water – perfect for those hot days.
  7. All about layers. The key to the perfect sandwich? Not letting it get soggy. Used sliced cheese or meat, or lettuce, to shield the bread from troublesome fillings like tomato or condiments.
  8. Let the kids do the work! Lots of kids like helping prepare their lunch or choosing their own snacks (from a parent-approved selection, of course!). Do it the night before to make the mornings run smoothly.

Recipe: Make-ahead frozen yoghurt cups
These are great for an after-school snack, or a lunchbox (with an ice brick of course!). They taste like a treat, but are actually super healthy!


  • 1 cup plain Greek yoghurt
  • ¼ cup strawberry Fangks
  • ¼ cup fresh berries


  1. Line a muffin tin with cupcake cases.
  2. Mix together the yoghurt and Fangks and evenly fill muffin tins.
  3. Top with berries of your choice and freeze for an hour.

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