Achieve Better Sleep with Personalised Sleep Support for Families

Dreamy Babies

Donna Miller understands how not getting enough sleep can affect the whole family function: from how you parent, to how you show up as a partner, friend, family member and colleague. With gentle sleep strategies to suit your child and your parenting style, she can help your little one learn the skills they need to consolidate sleep, day and night. Using a holistic approach to personalise your sleep support, she works with you to address the many layers that contribute to improved sleep. Here Donna talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind Dreamy Babies, how she balances work and family, and the challenges she has overcome along the way.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

When my first-born baby girl was young, she slept beautifully at night, but the daytime catnaps were driving me up the wall. With a science background, I was interested in the research behind infant sleep, so I started studying, and completed my certification purely for personal development. I fell in love when I was working with my volunteer families. Hearing the change in someone’s voice between the first phone call and the last. The transformation from someone who is defeated, overwhelmed and at breaking point, to someone who answers the phone with confidence, a lightness in their voice, and the overall relief. Improving baby sleep is much more than just sleep; it’s quality of life.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

My business was a side hustle to support my growing family while I was on maternity leave. When I went on maternity leave with my second-born son, I realised the season of my life had changed. I couldn’t return to my full-time salaried position, and my business was starting to boom. I put in the hard yards and took the risk of helping families with sleep as my main income. I’ve never looked back.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

I love focusing on education for families and improving maternal mental health. The focus has shifted so that families get the most out of our time working together, essentially not needing me in the future as they’ve learnt enough that they can troubleshoot any hiccups along the way. I love presenting, so I run workshops for corporates, early learning centers and families regularly. This helps change the stigma of ‘sleep training’ from traditional ‘cry it out’ methods, to addressing the many layers that contribute to improved sleep.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

I am a solo mum of 2 kids who are only 20 months apart. I’m also completing a Masters, and still contract to footy clubs as a strength & conditioning coach. I lean on the support of my family – the kids’ grandpa, aunty and uncle. They have beautiful relationships with their family and our support network of friends. I’m not afraid to ask for help anymore – it’s a game changer.

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