Appreciating the struggles of parenting through lockdown, especially for new mums with no established support network, Kate Jochheim set out to create a way for mums with babies to find their village. The Motherhood Collective is a contemporary Mothers’ Group providing mums with an opportunity to connect, find support and be encouraged, as they navigate their way through motherhood. Here Kate shares with us the inspiration behind The Motherhood Collective and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I think if COVID hadn’t kept me and my two girls in lockdown for 8 weeks, The Motherhood Collective might have not kicked off. Lockdown was tough for many parents with homeschooling and working from home with toddlers underfoot, but I think it was especially tough for new parents, in particular new mums.
I grew up as a child member of a mothers’ group, so I have experienced first-hand the lasting benefits they can provide. I also remember what it was like when I had a newborn. I was out and about, enjoying maternity leave, having coffee with friends and meeting new friends at Mothers’ Group.
I really felt sorry for mums who had given birth this year, not having that opportunity to celebrate with their friends and family. I thought about the support I was able to find in the form of other mum friends and thought, when COVID restrictions eased, something needed to be available for mums with babies to connect, find support and be nurtured as new mothers.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
At first, it was a fleeting conversation with a friend. But the more I thought about it, the more I was determined to get something off the ground. I connected with a yoga instructor who was training in pre- and post-natal teaching and the idea evolved from that.
When we first launched in July, I had anticipated filling a class of 10 mums and bubs for an 8-week yoga program. I ended up hosting 24 mums and bubs across two classes. And since launching in July 2020, we have connected over 60 mums and babies.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
The initial support to just go for it was my breakthrough moment. The “ah huh” moment realising what I really wanted to create. My husband and my parents were so excited to see the passion in me and helped me structure the vision into a business plan.
The positive feedback from enrolled mums and the repeat enrolments are then the reassurance that The Motherhood Collective is making an impact.
“The weekly yoga and sensory classes have been a lifeline and a great way to meet other mums so thanks for putting together The Motherhood Collective”
“I can’t thank you enough for squeezing me into your groups and replying so late at night. I’m feeling so isolated with COVID still cancelling things so thank you so much.”
“It was a pleasure to meet you at the park and I’m interested in yoga, making mum friends and learning new things.”
“Kate, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for running the first aid workshop. It definitely helped me save my son’s life yesterday. We were at the shopping centre and he got food lodged in his throat. If I hadn’t attended your group, I wouldn’t have known what to do. I was able to do two big back blows and he was ok. We are shaken but thank you so much for doing what you’re doing.”

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I’m still learning this balance. In the early days before opening our doors, I spent hours once the girls had gone to bed working on my website and social media content.
I would take my daughters to the park and take promotional flyers to hand out to other mums there.
But my kids are at kindy and daycare and The Motherhood Collective gets my attention on those days. At quiet time/ nap time, I take that opportunity to catch up on emails or scroll social media/ make posts but I try and be present when our family is together.
My husband is also a great help and he will be with the girls while I’m working on the weekends.