Pilates & Holistic Fitness Specifically Designed for Women’s Health & Wellbeing


Sian Shepphard set up Feelgood Fitness to help others feel fitter and happier about themselves. Over the years, and after having her own children, she turned her focus to women’s health and fitness and in particular the postnatal period. Knowing the changes the female body goes through during pregnancy and childbirth, she understands the need for a little bit of care and special attention when returning to fitness. Sian is a firm believer in treating the whole body and taking a holistic approach. She looks at daily life habits and tries to incorporate working towards your goals into your everyday life. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about her biggest breakthrough, the pros and cons of running her own business, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

It all started after I found my love for fitness, which happened at the height of a very rare illness (Cushing’s Disease). I started working with a personal trainer who inspired me and made me feel normal. After my operation, I decided to change careers from a chef to a personal trainer! I wanted to give people that sense of normality and safety that I had felt. A focus away from just pure fitness, but also one that educates and supports.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

I started working with people with lower back pain, but as I moved through my career, I began to see more pregnant women. During my first pregnancy, I developed PGP (at 16 weeks!). The care and advice I was given was very poor and so when I came back, I decided to start working with women with PGP. This naturally led to working with new mums and I decided to start focusing on women’s health but at all stages of life.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

Finding my tribe! Working with like-minded women whom I could connect to – it wasn’t the perfect birth or child; it was real life, and this gave me drive to learn more to help them further. Completing my women’s health Pilates qualifications really opened me up to thinking more about how our amazing bodies work. It allowed me to step away from the very ridged way of thinking about exercise and look more fully at the body as a whole. By being child friendly, this also allowed the business to be more accessible to parents who might not have childcare and solidify our community spirit more.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

I am very strict with my time and days off. Weekends are mostly for my family, and I finish work early at least two days a week. I also make sure to schedule in time for myself! During school holidays, I will also try to manage my diary, so I have more time with them. It’s taken a good few years to be able to try and find a better balance, but I think we are almost there!

See next page for more…
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