Nowadays, many women (and men) enjoy the Closing the Bones ceremony as a treat, a spa day, because it truly is an enjoyable time. Honouring you, your body, and your soul, just as you are in the present moment. It is a celebration of your achievements, your transformation, and your inner goddess. Giving birth is a special and unique moment in every woman’s life and it deserves celebration, acceptance, honouring, nurturing, and acknowledgement.
During the ceremony, you are given time to process everything you are feeling and thinking so you can heal emotionally and regain strength. It helps you find closure to your birth story, get centred again, and connect with your new body so that you can have confidence as a woman and mother. During this time, you will feel nurtured and at peace so you can release emotions associated with the birth and motherhood.
The whole ceremony takes 6 to 10 hours and we can divide it into four main parts. We start with sharing your story with the help of Mama Cacao, which helps to bring energy and heat into the body and to open your heart. Then, a gentle touch massage with or without essential oils honours your body and gives it thanks for what it went through while gently bringing the body, mind, and soul back together, and therefore sealing what was opened during the birthing process. Next, a ceremonial bath or vaginal steaming with herbs allows you to release anything that you don’t need anymore, any worries, fears, feelings, memories, or anything that is too heavy for you to carry further. And finally wrapping your body like a chrysalis in 7 scarves so that you can be born into your new reality when you are ready.
Even though some of the power that the rituals and ceremonies hold is possible to explain by science, for example, the importance of embodying our thoughts and acknowledging our emotions or using all our senses, a big part of the effect rituals and ceremonies have on people is a mystery. I call it magic. The magic of intention, gentleness, care, love, respect, appreciation and connection.
Connect with Jana at The Minimalist Birth Academy via Facebook or Instagram.