Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Well, it’s a balancing act every single day. At the start it was fine because I was on maternity leave. But now I’m back at work, Brodie is in day care, and my husband and I are packing nappies together at night! It’s a lot of work, and there will be mentally challenging times ahead, so I might have to hire someone to do the packing for us! We will see how this plays out!

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The biggest challenge at the moment is trying to overcome the stock delays caused by the Coronavirus. We have sold out of a lot of prints and run out of inserts. It’s making sure you maintain social media so you don’t lose as much momentum as if you just stopped. There is stock on its way now (still with delays), but you just have to hope that your customers will come back and support you once this blows over.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
There is no time off, no weekends away – or if so, they are few and far between. It’s late nights and early mornings. You’ve got to be prepared to put your all into it, maintain a winning mindset and always have your goals in sight. The pros – hopefully I can quit my job and do this full time? Searching for cute prints everyday would be awesome!

Hopes and dreams: What next?
A huge launch of gorgeous new prints is coming! We’re hoping for May/June release. We also hope to have another two or three releases this year, including a couple of collaborations with Melanie Ross Designs and a secret project we are working on. You’ll have to watch this space!
Check out the beautiful range of cloth nappy designs on the Yoho & Co website and join their communities on Facebook and Instagram.